
Praiseclub International e.V. is bringing working men together – to walk the path of faith, to live friendship, to do good and thus to give glory to God. In doing so, we are students and discoverers and deal with a wide variety of topics that are important to us. We want to carry the truth of the Gospel and the goodness of God into society, which we ourselves experience, enjoy and celebrate in many different ways.

We pursue exclusively and directly non-profit and charitable purposes. Our projects and funding commitments are diverse and contribute in various ways to giving people hope and new courage.

Praiseclub International e.V.
Schloßstraße 12
79541 Lörrach-Haagen

Bank details for donations:
IBAN: DE68 6809 0000 0033 6805 03
Volksbank Freiburg

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© Praiseclub International e.V. 2025  |  impressum